IGNITE Our ‘WE CAN!’ Power
By Shayla A
Reflecting back to when I was a girl, I remember often times feeling misunderstood. I think most adolescent and teenage girl can say the same thing, that they at times feel misunderstood. I found myself journaling in notebook after notebook as I needed to get the thoughts, ideas, and feelings out of my inner world, while too shy or fearful to share with anyone. Feeling heard and understood is the foundation to connection with other humans. Hearing the words, “Tell me more about that,” invites a person into a space to share more of the experience, more of the feeling, more of the thought, more of the idea, more of who they are in their story. Sharing ideas, thoughts, feelings and experiences strengthens the brain’s reward system. Sharing thoughts and feelings also strengthens a team by building trust and understanding. In this episode of IGNITE we will reach goals by unlocking the ‘We Can!’ power that is within our team.
We are going to dig deeper into our inner world to understand and recognize our current story. A few episodes back, we discussed becoming more aware of our inner self. We dived into thoughts, feelings, emotions, values, and goals. Another piece of our inner world are the thoughts, feelings, and emotions after we ask some more questions. I often do a meditation where I try to observe a feeling I am having and tell myself, “Hmmm… tell me more about that.” It is almost like I am standing in front of the feeling and studying it like I would a student in a classroom or a piece of art at a museum. I am active listening and active watching my feeling in that moment. I am recognizing my frustration is because I am tired, or my anger is because I’m annoyed about something else. Acknowledging and studying feelings- where they come from, why they are there, what they are doing to us- is important when we share our feelings with others. We share our feelings to communicate to others who we are and what is important to us. Having space and openness to communicate in this way builds strong pathways in the brain for connection with others. Because our emotions affect how we make decisions, how we learn, and how we communicate, it is important to share what is going on inside our inner world. It is a crucial aspect to our mental, emotional, and physical health. Just by sharing small parts of ourselves with others, a bond is created, a new brain pathway is created, that builds a connection with another human. The more positive these connections are, the stronger our confidence and resiliency will be in a circumstance of struggle or challenge. The more positive and stronger these connections are, the more positive and stronger our ability to work as a team will be in any circumstance. This ignites the ‘We Can!’ Power in the relationship or team and mountains can be moved!
It is the ‘We Can!’ Power that fuels the journey to accomplishing hard things. The ‘We Can!’ Power is the teamwork that is built from igniting our own thoughts and ideas. It is the teamwork that is nurtured when we share these parts of our inner world. It is the teamwork from this created space between us, that gives us the tools, materials, and equipment to conquer the mountains in front of us. It is important to keep this pathway strong to build the strong team meant to persevere through a storm, to conquer a challenge, to rest in the rain, and celebrate the journey! Share your feelings, thoughts, and ideas with your GOTR team. Create space for their feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Dive deeper by asking them to tell you more about their feeling or thought. Within this space, nurture every story. Every story has pieces that when welded together build a strong team of confidence, resiliency, and success. All of the pieces welded together creates a team story where mountains are conquered, moved, and defeated. ‘We Can!’ Power fuels the journey, nurtures the space, and ignites the team. We CAN move mountains within us, among us, and in front of us!

Shayla A is the Coach Mentor for Girls on the Run Greater Kansas City. Her background comes from the classroom, coaching, day treatment schools, wellness, and advocating for children with special needs. She enjoys empowering and advocating for girls and coaches in every challenge and celebration. Connect with her for support and assistance this season via call, text, or email. shaylaaranda@gmail.com | 816-284-9770
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TO WATCH A VIDEO ON HOW TO IGNITE OUR ‘We Can!’ Power:https://youtu.be/m5X10Hi6bJI